Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Brief History of Me

Blogging! I am new to the concept but keen to explore the possibilities it presents.

I completed my Bachelor of Arts in History at the University of Alberta. I spent the third year of my studies abroad at the University of Dundee in Scotland, an experience that was both extremely fun and influential in shaping my historical interests. My roommate (flatmate, as it were!) was a delightful if loud-mouthed Northern Irish girl. After long conversations with her and time spent traveling through Northern Ireland I decided to focus the topic of my fourth year Honours thesis on the activities of the Provisional Irish Republican Army. Said thesis examined the evolution of changes in the Provisional I.R.A.'s ideology from the late 1960s to early 1980s by exploring specific terminology from several of the organization's key documents.

After graduating in 2007 I found work bartending at a neighborhood pub, fully intent on quickly leaving the job and returning to school. Two years later I am finally beginning my M.A., excited to be back in a university setting and eager to see how my year in Public History pans out.

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